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Erod keeps bugging me to do this, so to get him off my back, here it goes... My name is Eric and I graduated from Howland High School in Warren, Ohio in 1992 and have never stepped one foot inside of a college classroom. I am currently living in Indiana where I am employed by TOYOTA Logistics Services at the new TOYOTA Tundra truck plant. I enjoy working out, playing and watching sports, but most of all (if you haven't already figured it out) I am a total car freak. I have been since day one. I like working on cars and coming up with different things to do. My favorite part is painting. There is nothing like drawing a design on paper and actually turning a drawing into a shiny piece of rolling art (right, Erod???). I would like to thank everyone for visiting and I hope you enjoyed yourselves!

Contact me at: dsmguy2003(at)


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